Mushrooms are grown in many different places over the world and the specific conditions vary widely. But the signals given by compost and mushrooms are identical everywhere. 


Mushroom Signals aims to teach composters and growers how to optimise their production processes by recognising signals. Not by jumping to conclusions immediately, but instead by always asking yourself three questions: what do I see, what has happened and what should I do?

Mushroom Signals is a practical guide to optimal mushroom growing written in an easily accessible style.

Many years of experience as a consultant and trainer in the mushroom sector make author Mark den Ouden an authority in this field. The practical knowledge shared in his book is illustrated by around 450 photographs, illustrations and infographics.


Mushroom Signals is available as a hardcover edition (21 x 27 cm) with 150 full colour pages. The book costs €61.90 (excluding VAT). As well as an English version, the book is also available in Dutch, Polish, Russian and Chinese. An online version of the book is also available.


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